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Rekindling and Retaining Musical Skills
Currently recruiting in all bands, particularly brass and percussion!

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Welcome to BWCB

Bracknell and Wokingham Community Band (BWCB) provides a musical environment in which to rekindle, retain and improve your musical skills. BWCB is made up of three wind bands, catering for a wide variety of experience. In addition, there is a range of smaller ensembles meeting regularly, for both woodwind and brass players.


We welcome new members on a non-audition ‘trial and consultation’ basis; inspiring and encouraging anyone who wishes to play a musical instrument.


Thinking of joining a band?

BWCB are seeking players of all abilities to join our bands.

Recruiting in all bands particularly brass and percussion.

Whatever your level of experience, we have a position for you.


If you are interested and would like to find out more please contact us as:


BWCB was founded in 2008 and now has over 120 members across three wind bands and ensembles. The bands play music from classical to contemporary, jazz to pop, including TV shows and film scores. Each band performs in a number of concerts throughout the year.


All the bands rehearse on Wednesday evenings in term-time at:

Holme Grange School,

Heathlands Rd, Wokingham,

RG40 3AL


Members must be over the age of 18.


If you would like to find out more please contact us.


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